Monday, December 29, 2008

Photo Collage

Photo collage of Shayna.
Digital Imaging Posters.

( not to worry shes not really booting...)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mug Shots.

One of my photos of women butts!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You and Me and Everyone We Know!

You and Me and Everyone We Know directed by Miranda July. I seriously recommend watching this movie if you haven't already seen it. To give you guys a taste of why this movie is absolutely amazing heres a clip of one of my favorite scenes! Enjoy! 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


These are collages in a moleskine notebook that I made for my graphic design class! 


Mordecai is awesome! 
I cant wait for him to grow to be sooo big, the size of a dinner plate is what Im told he will grow to be. 
HE is especially active tonight, we are listening to this oh so wonderful stargazing mix

Monday, December 22, 2008


Sickest video / song! 
Animal Collective! 

Sondre Lerche

Oh, what a world this life would be
Forget all your technicolor dreams 
Forget modern nature 
This is how it's meant to be. 


Since I cannot sleep here are some old sketches!

At the Bottom of Everything.

So there was this women and she was on an airplane, and she was flying to meet her fiance seaming high above the largest ocean on planet earth. She was seated next to this man she had tried to start conversations, but the only thing she had really heard him say was to order his Bloody Mary. She was sitting there and she was reading this really arduous magazine article about a third world country that couldn't even pronounce the name of. And she was feeling very bored and despondent. And then suddenly there was a huge mechanical failure and one of the engines gave out, and they started just falling thirty thousand feet, and the pilots on the microphone and he's saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. oh my god... I'm sorry" and apologizing. And she looks at the man and says "Where are we going?" and he looks at her and he says "We're going to a party. It's a birthday. It's your birthday party. Happy birthday darling. We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much." 

Probably one of my favorite intros.